Our Purpose
NextAfrica connects purpose-driven organizations and individuals from Europe and Africa to create cross-boarder business opportunities.
This African-European initiative, comprising Ecotec (A), Identifire (A), and LivingLab (Ken), promotes collaborative learning, joint development, and innovative business models.
It’s time to forge new paths in business. Given the frequent lack of innovation culture in Austria, our Learning Journeys bridge the gap to the digital continent, Africa.
We find ourselves in a globally interconnected society that is ending the dominance of the Western world. While Europe grapples with the consequences, most African countries are experiencing an upswing. They are becoming part of global economic networks and transitioning from agrarian to digital socities. The growing African middle class is setting new standards for education and business – with a strong entrepreneurial spirit, self-confidence, and sustainability.
Therefore, it’s about time to rethink the collaboration between Africa and Europe. Only by doing so can we address the challenges both continents face.
Organizations from both continents can learn from their differences:
- from social cultures versus individualistic cultures
- from an optimistic and pro-active African youth versus mature but quickly ageing societies
- from dependencies on certain people versus functioning institutions
- from autocratic structures versus human rights-based democracies
- from a digitalization happening on a greenfield versus a digitalization hampered by old technologies and vested interests
- from a risk-taking entrepreneurial societies versus risk-averse welfare states
- from a fearless use of data versus an overcautious approach in data use
- from no fear algorithms taking over versus a future angst
By connecting the dots and leveraging the potentials we open up new horizons, new networks, new insights, new ways of looking at the world. We create opportunities for companies and people with an entrepreneurial mindset.
Every journey starts with a click
Get an idea
Read some Facts & Figures about disruption in Africa
Meet our LivingLab partners
You want to be part of our next Learning Journey?
- Kigali, Rwanda
- Nairobi, Kenya
Register here.
Ask, whatever comes to your mind –
Ken ya do Business?
Co-creating new business opportunities between Austria and Kenya
NextAfrica-Event October 2nd, 2023
H.E. Mary Mugwanja, Ambassador of the Republic of Kenya to the Republic of Austria interviewed by Hans Stoisser, Co-Founder NextAfrica
Marie and Edwin Kleiber, Owners and CEOs of AMEX Healthcare
“Medical products for Africa in Africa”
Aquea Lampety, Founder AEWTASS
“The picture of Africa in Austrian School Books”
Karin Krobath, Co-Founder NextAfrica
What does our next trip in November hold in store?